In 2018 we are running two courses which will cover much of the knowledge and many of the skills needed to be a successful Manager of people. The courses are to be run independently of each other, but when combined, should provide a comprehensive guide to many of the necessary competencies needed to be an effective Line Manager.

We have designed both these courses to suit those who are new to Management, as well as being a useful refresher for the more experienced Manager who is looking to develop their existing skills and/or wants to be more successful by learning new/different approaches, as part of your personal/career development.

Our training courses are highly participative, practical in content, and are intended to challenge our delegates into recognising there are always alternative ways of dealing with people and/or situations.

Core Skills for Managing People – Norwich – 7th March & Newmarket – 26th April

You are only as good as the people you manage. Therefore, if you do not manage them effectively, this does not reflect well on you.

This course focuses on five key aspects of successful people management, including effective communication skills; practical motivation and engagement; the ability to develop individuals and teams; and finally, knowing your own default management style and when you need to change it.

You’re Fired – Better Approaches Norwich – 18th October & Newmarket – 21st November

Saying “you’re fired” may actually be an indicator of management failure, even though it has been popularised in the media.

This course looks at the three key areas, namely recruitment & induction, performance and attendance management which if applied correctly, should minimise the need to consider terminating employment. However, the fourth key area is the effective use of the disciplinary procedure to formally improve performance standards, and only if that does not work, how best to dismiss.

Data Protection – Current & Future Requirements – Norwich – 12th April

Talking to many organisations, it is apparent that a considerable number are not currently complying with the Data Protection Act 1998. In May, the law on data protection changes again and will be even more rigorous in how organisations acquire, process and dispose of data, particularly personal data.  The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has made it clear that the fines for breaching data protection rules are likely to significantly increase.  No organisation, large or small, will be exempt.

Consequently, many organisations are now faced with a big catch up exercise that goes far beyond purely employee data. Any organisation that uses databases, in whatever capacity, will require policy statements, privacy impact risk assessments, IT security measures, audit trails and staff training in order to demonstrate compliance with the law.

We are further aware that there is a lot of scaremongering, misinformation and even over-selling about the full extent of what really needs to be in place for most organisations, especially SMEs. We are, therefore, delighted to announce that, in conjunction with a leading Data Protection expert and trainer, we are running a half day course on this subject to help you better understand the existing and new requirements, so that you can put together a meaningful action plan on activities that need to be carried out before the May 2018 deadline.