Pitfalls & Perils of Poor Investigation
Newmarket – 19th January; Peterborough – 27th January; Norwich – 4th February

Managers have to be able to investigate a whole range of issues, anything from Discipline or Grievance cases, accidents at work, through to customer complaints. Getting this wrong can have significance consequences, e.g. financial, staff morale, reputation for your business, team and even customers. This course will help equip your Managers with the principles and practical skills that they need to conduct a thorough and fair investigation with confidence, as a prelude to further action which may vary from a customer complaint being upheld, through to commencing a formal disciplinary or grievance process.

Newmarket – 19th April; Peterborough – 27th April; Norwich – 12th May

Minimising the disruption and costs of sickness absenteeism – sick pay, lost productivity, morale etc. – is an essential management skill. Dealing with the disruptive value of having unreliable staff throwing regular “sickies” can also make a difference to how successful you are perceived to be as a Manager. Through the use of interactive case studies and feedback sessions, this course will be a useful refresher of all aspects surrounding handling absence management. It will also touch on some new topics such as mental health and welfare, as well as providing a summary of the main tips and tools managers need to address absence management.

Newmarket – 8th November; Peterborough – 16th November; Norwich – 24th November

It can cost as much as £30,000 per employee to replace members of staff, says Oxford Economics, because of a combination of lost output and the cost of recruiting and absorbing a new employee to get them up to speed. Add to that the recent CIPD survey which indicates four fifths of organisations feel competition for staff had increased, with three quarters reporting recruitment difficulties, i.e. lack of skills. This makes identifying and retaining key staff crucial to an organisation’s success but do you really know who your key staff truly are? This course will look at the techniques and policies you need to implement, to ensure that you do not lose business critical employees. This includes how to assess your workforce, considering reward strategies, employee engagement initiatives and succession planning.