Event Information:

  • Thu

    You're Fired - Better Approaches

    8:30 amPark Farm Country Hotel, Hethersett, Norwich

    Saying “you’re fired” may actually be an indicator of management failure, even though it has been popularised in the media.

    This course looks at the three key areas, namely recruitment & induction, performance management and improvement, which if applied correctly, should minimise the need to consider terminating employment. However, the third key area is the effective use of the disciplinary procedure to formally improve performance standards, and only if that does not work, how best to dismiss.

    We have designed this course to suit those who are new to Management, as well as being a useful refresher for the more experienced Manager looking to develop existing skills and/or want to be more successful by learning new/different approaches, as part of personal/career development.

    This course will be highly participative, practical in content, and is intended to challenge our delegates into recognising there are always alternative ways of dealing with people and/or situations.

    The course objectives will include: -

    • Recruitment & Induction
    • Performance Management
    • Performance Improvement
    • Discipline, Dismissal & Alternatives
    • Practical Learning Opportunities

    The course will commence at 8.30 am, with registration and refreshments from 8.00 am. The course will finish around 1.45 pm, with breaks for refreshments and lunch.

    The cost for this training event will be £75.00 plus VAT per delegate, including lunch.  To reserve your place on this course, please contact Jackie Bolton either by e-mail: jackie@www.backuphr.com or call 01480 677981.