Event Information:

  • Thu

    Delivering Bad News

    8:30 amPark Farm Country Hotel, Hethersett, Norwich

    No-one likes to deliver bad news, but every Manager has to do this at some stage. If it is done effectively, the outcome can be more constructive than if it is done badly, or not at all.

    We will identify useful approaches and techniques that will help Managers to be more confident and purposeful, by practising how to do it in a supportive and safe environment.

    Delivering bad news without proper preparation can be stressful to all concerned, so come to learn how to be more comfortable dealing with this part of a Manager’s job.

    A lively, practical and participative training event - topics will include:

    • Types of Bad News to be delivered
    • Process and Method
    • The Importance of Preparation
    • How to Conduct Meetings
    • Follow Up

    The course will commence at 8.30 am, with registration and refreshments from 8.00 am, and will finish around 1.45 pm to 2.00 pm, with breaks for refreshments and lunch.

    The cost for this course will be £165.00 plus VAT per delegate, including lunch.   Preferential rates for clients.

    To reserve your place, please contact Jackie Bolton either by e-mail: jackie@backuphr.com or call 01480 677981.